
What I do

I listen to your idea, then turn it into a beautiful, usable and responsive website which will help you get in touch with your clients, and brag about it with your friends .

Have an idea?

Let's build something great

My story

I'm a pixel perfectionist based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and I dedicate myself to constantly learn the latest trends in Front-End/UI development.

I'm one of those guys in the team who tries to spread around ideas, a little bit of art, science and dedication.

I love front-end development, cycling, psychology and people.


I design and develop websites from scratch and I'm confortable doing Search Engine Optimization.

I'm specialized in HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery/JavaScript(ES5) and WordPress.

I'm currently available for part-time freelance work.

html logo
css logo
bootstrap logo
jquery logo
javascript logo
wordpress logo

My work

Here are some of the projects that I've built in the last six months. If you want to see a complete list of my work, contact me.

  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • jQuery
  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • WordPress

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View all my work

Thank you for visiting

Are you interested in working together? Let’s have a chat!

I'm curious about your online work, about your ideas, and I'm very open to suggestions.